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Cobo Bordeaux!!!

Dear members,

As I am sure you know, on the 29th of November the 60th board of D.Z. Euros named 'Boardeaux' was constituted as:

Chair and Sailing commissioner: Evelien Verf
Secretary and Vice-Chair: András Asztalos
Treasurer and PR commissioner: Pieter Ekelmans
Materials commissioner: Iris Zijlstra

To celebrate this wonderful occasion, we would like to invite you to our constitution drink. The event will be held on the 23rd of February at 'de Sevende Camer' (Auke Vleerstraat 99, 7547 AN Enschede) from 20:00 until midnight, but you are welcome to arrive a bit earlier, before the boards of our sisters and brothers. We hope to celebrate with you!


Je bent niet ingeschreven!

Inschrijvingen voor dit evenement zijn al gesloten. Neem contact op met Evelien Verf voor meer informatie.


Start: vrijdag 23 februari 2024, 18:02
Eind: zaterdag 24 februari 2024, 05:02
Beschikbare plekken: Oneindig


Evelien Verf
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