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Still have to make vacation plans? Think FZW is still to short? want to sail, relax and sea Wad?

Than I got news for you! Euros will again discover the Dutch and German coastal waters!

During the WaddenDraeFF (19th of July, straight after FZW till 11th of August) the small boats will switch their natural habitat from the high seas, a journey from Texel to Wangerooge (Google that 👀) and back. And we are still looking for people to join us!

You can join for however long you would like, although we do mediate it a bit, ranging from a couple of days to full week(s).

Interested? https://forms.gle/ELwAfGEcZUngmTWC8 fill in the form and we'll get back to you. Limited places available, first come, first serve; so don't hesitate too much 😉

Je bent niet ingeschreven!

Inschrijvingen voor dit evenement zijn al gesloten. Neem contact op met Jur van Geel voor meer informatie.


Start: zaterdag 20 juli 2024, 09:07
Eind: zondag 11 augustus 2024, 20:08
Beschikbare plekken: 8


Jur van Geel


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