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Vliegende Bootjes

As a wise man once said... "Op 29 maart vliegen de bootjes" - Gandhi 523 B.C.
This quote may or may not be legitimate, but this March 29th we will make it happen! Our magician 'Dick Ekkelkamp' will summon an orange beast that will lift our boats of their feet, back into the water. And what a sight to behold that is. However, he will need help with the summoning. So I'm calling upon my brave fellow sailors to help summon and tame the orange creature that will bring our fleet back home!

The ritual will start at 13u00, by getting our fleet from the ship's pilot. This requires a few strong women and men, so the more of you there are, the smoother it will go! Somewhere, between 15u30 and 16u30, Dick will start the summoning and the boats should all be in the water before nightfall. Of course, there will be a feast afterwards for your efforts (sign-up for the sea-sailing drink)

As a final task I would like you to decipher the summoning spell below using the following link: docs.google.com
(. ~ _ ,) ( ) ) –’(…)+ `~(,,_.)``

                                                              /* /=     _
          —-  <|                              ??  __/__/___/  |

_ /|\ (‘ ‘’ ‘’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’{] / / | \ `\ \`````` _ __ / | \ \,_\= / | \ / | \ = “====q—_\ ? r_____/ooo\__\ ? /^v^\ /_[]___[]___[]__/ /^v^\ ? – # |___/ /^v^\ —-- __ _ . ..+(`( ) (` ). _ (` ` ).. -_) ( ). :.(` )`. :( .. _.) _( .. ‘`) .--( -_) ) `~-~(,_)+ (..__ ) .+( )_ . = ) _ –’ ‘’ ‘ `(,_..) (‘’)_.

Starten om 13u00. Ik (Teun) ben er sws om te coordineren, maar hoe meer mensen met ervaring hoe beter.
Kraan komt ergens tussen 15u30 en 16u30.
Hoe meer mensen er zijn hoe beter!
Check t linkje, ik heb er meer tijd in gestoken dan ik toe wil geven: docs.google.com


Je bent niet ingeschreven!

Inschrijvingen voor dit evenement zijn al gesloten. Neem contact op met Teun Mansfelt voor meer informatie.


Start: 29 maart 2023 13:00
Eind: 29 maart 2023 18:00
Beschikbare plekken: Oneindig


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