Mentoren indeling 2009
Schipperscursist | Mentor |
Frederik | Frans |
IJsbrand | Frans |
Niels | Orla |
Ronald | Orla |
Cor | Willem |
Wietse | Willem |
Orla | Gart |
Maaike | Gart of Carl |
Willem | Gart of Carl |
Jurjen | Gart of Carl |
Frans | Gart of Carl |
Schipperscursist | Mentor |
Frederik | Frans |
IJsbrand | Frans |
Niels | Orla |
Ronald | Orla |
Cor | Willem |
Wietse | Willem |
Orla | Gart |
Maaike | Gart of Carl |
Willem | Gart of Carl |
Jurjen | Gart of Carl |
Frans | Gart of Carl |